Monday, October 29, 2012

How to bake a cupcake.

ehem. hai hai. *lambai tangan tangan.. okay. harini moh kite blajar memasak.. tanpaa membuang masa, tolong sediakan bahan-bahan berikutt. this is for vanilla flavor ye. :D

1st ingredients:
  • 150gm butter, softened. (betta not to put in refrigerator)
  • 125gm castor sugar
  • 175gm self-rising flour, sifted.
  • 3 medium sized eggs
  • 1tbsp vanilla extract
  • 2tbsp fresh milk 
put all de ingredients in a bowl, beat until light n creamy.

this is how it is suppose to look alike :)

  then letak dalam bekass cupcakes tu. make sure ade lapikk bawah tu to prevent drpd hangus

like this.
then, bake in preheated oven, 180c for 20 mins or until risen n juz firm to touch.. it is more easier guna cungkil gg tu tok cek dh masak ke blom :)

 bila dh confirm masak.. kluakan dy n wait until it cold.. semntara tu boleh laa buat dy punya buttercream topping. these are the ingredients:
  • 150gm unsalted butter
  • 250gm icing sugar, sifted
  • 1tsp vanilla extract ( nak buat colorful pn boleh)
  • 2tsp hot water
then beat laah smp sebati.. haa.. after that.. hiaslah cupcakes uolls. :D

taaaddaaaa~ *korang buatla lelawo k* :')
ohh say hi to this little chef. *sibuukk je*

soo dats it! actually cupcakes ni buat time pegi UK aritu. :( rindu. n those yg dpt cupcakes ni, u should be proud! bcoz u get it for freee. no charge at all. it is impotedd okaayy ;) haha. joking. i think, i had enuff for today. :) thankyou to my beloved ibu sebab ajar buat cupcakes! me love ya..